Thursday, November 16, 2006


Cycled in today, and had a slim fast so all good there. Noticed I've started having sugar in my coffee again (the more I think about it, the more I think sugar might be at the root of my struggles!) -so went to have a sweetener today but couldn't find any. Aaaah well. Tomorrow.

Other than that, going well so far today.

Oh, and still not broadband at home :(

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I'm back. Still no net access at home, hence the quiet spell - but all of that is due to end today (hopefully!). In the meantime, I thought I'd update you all.

Everything has been going well. Those who know me well (and invariably aren't male) have all noticed that I'm a lot thinner. Work colleagues and football colleagues either haven't noticed, or haven't mentioned it. But hey, I understand.

Still cycling and loving it - and the SlimFast is still going strong.

Things to focus on in the coming weeks:

* Have been dipping in to full fat cans at work recently in a bid to boost sugar levels (I think) - THIS MUST STOP! At 200 calories a can, it's not a good 'look' ;)

* Was quite stressed and ill last week and so regressed to type and looked to food as my primary comfort. Feeling better now, so not as problem - but shows there is still work to do in the old outlook thing.

* Am still prone to snacking at times (breakfast cereal here, shop-bought snacks there). Not good. Need to be stronger.

* Christmas is coming up. Need to be ready to resist!

Anyways, mostly positive - but lets see how the next few weeks go!