Monday, January 01, 2007

Eat, drink, be merry for tomorrow we diet

Or rather today.

Yes, I'm back - and I'm going to need your help again, dear readers.

So, the current situation is that I haven't totally managed to undo my good work, and I'm still (according to those around me) much thinner than when I started this blog. However Christmas was pretty much a dieting disaster, so it's time to get serious again.

Had a chocolate themed Murder Mystery™ new year's party last night, which included so much chocolate that I can't bear to think about eating any more of the stuff at the moment, so that's a step in the right direction - so I'm hoping that today will be ok. Planning to go for a walk with B this afternoon too, so 2007 will get it's first dose of exercise. Yay!

New to 2007 (well, the latter bit of 2006 to be fair too) is the lack of SlimFast. I'm now buying the little variety packs of cereal to start the day off with, and eating Covent Garden soups for lunch. It's the same plan (~200kcals for breakfast and lunch) but much tastier and cheaper! Wish me luck.

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